25 August, 2014

Jacqstar- a month in the life (part three)

Week Three of Create and Thrive's a month in the life

The lovely Jess from Create and Thrive has organised an Instagram challenge called 'A Month in the life in which we post a picture each day of our businesses based on a different theme, so I thought I'd share my photos and the stories behind them:

Day 15: Rest 
Coffee shop, cake, organic, eco friendly,
Mmmmmmm Cake...

To relax for me usually involves a coffee shop (I love Wray organics) some cake and either a book or my crocheting. I love to people watch or just dive into a good book and get away from the electronic distractions at least for a little while. 

Day 16: view 
Jacqstar Creations, behind the scenes, pool
Nice view

This is the view out the window of my craft room. Some mornings there are ducks swimming in the pool. I can't wait until it gets warmer so I can get back into it and shed some of the Winter kilos.  

Day 17: photography 
photography, art, Jacqstar Creations,
Jacqstar's funky photos

I'm not all that great at taking photos but I've got a few faves that I've made prints of and framed. This one is my favourite, a streetlight in Melbourne. 

You can see more of my photos here...

Day 18: Customer 

crochet, craft, dog, handmade, jacqstar Creations, wool, yarn

What a little cutie

My customers are mainly women, occasionally children and men but I couldn't resist sharing this pic. I made this hoot beanie for a friend's nephew but her dog got in first to model the beanie for me. What a cutie!

Here's another happy customer with her scarf:

Jacqstar Creations, handmade, knit, art, craft, wool, yarn

This is my gorgeous cousin Kelly, owner of Bright Pink on Facebook and love of all things Pink (naturally)

crochet, handmade, craft, jacqstar Creations, wool, yarn, beanie, hat
And, the cutest of them all...
crochet, wool, yarn, beanie, Jacqstar Creations, handmade
The cutest of them all...

Day 19: tools 

Jacqstar Creations, crochet, hook, handmade, wool, yarn
my Smiggle toolbox 

I've got a cute smiggle pencil case that I keep my crochet hooks, wool needles, stitch counters and scissors in and it zips up so I don't lose anything. I take it everywhere with me. I just invested in some bamboo crochet hooks and I'm loving them! 

Day 20: finished 

Jacqstar creations, handmade, crochet, knitted
Eco friendly cowl and beanie

I made this beanie and cowl from soy protein wool. It's beautifully soft and warm and is made from Eco friendly products. It's for sale too! 

crochet, white, sequin, handmade, Jacqstar Creations, yarn, diamonte, sparkle


This one is the first in my new Burlesque collection but it was snapped up by a bride wanting something to keep her warm in the evening after her ceremony.

knit, eco friendly, Jacqstar Creations, rainbow, handmade
I love the colours in this wool

This is another cowl made from Soy protein and wool. It's incredibly warm and light.

Day 21:  Morning 

Oh what a beautiful morning...

The sunlight and shadows crawl across my wardrobe

I usually wake up 20 mins or so before I have to get up and I watch the sun make patterns on my wardrobe and light up the affirmations to remind me to be thankful each morning. 

That's it for week three, one more to go.
See you next week...

Jacqui xx

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