Hello wondrous Readers, remember this?
If you've been wondering how I've been going with these goals and what my next instalment of dreams will be, never fear. Part two will hit the cyber presses soonish, but I thought I'd do a follow up on the first instalment to see how I've been going, what I've been doing and what I haven't been doing to achieve my goals, both big and not so big. This is my way of keeping myself honest by sharing how slack I've been in some respects and how amazing I am in others ;)
So, without further ado here's part one recap:
1. Go to the Melbourne Cup - I've been to Melbourne lots of times, but never for the
Cup! Still planning it but money's very tight so we'll see how big my tax return is this year!
2. Go back to painting lessons not yet, but still planning on doing a day class here and there
3. Say Yes! (I'm more of a say no then regret it later kind of person) - YES, I've said yes to positive things more than I've said no, and good things are happening, (including getting back together with my ex boyfriend :) )
4. Go to Meditation lessons -YES, have been going on and off for the last few months and I love it! Its helped me still my overworked brain, and to think and feel a bit more clearly about things. I'm trying to meditate at home, but find it harder to do as there are too many distractions. Something to work on.
5. Keep eating healthy - yes and no. I've slipped back into some bad habits (ie coffee, sweets), but for the most parts, I'm eating well and making much better food choices.
6. Be involved with three market stalls to sell my products YES. This one is done and dusted - I've had a stall at 2 of the Springwood Creative Markets and one at the Mother's Day Mt Gravatt one. I'm considering doing more markets but I need to find somewhere suitable as the 3 I've done haven't been all that successful. It's all a learning experience, and I'm having so much fun along the way.
7. Get my car loan to under $10,000 (have already made a start to this one and have
increased my weekly car repayment) I'll know how I'm going next month when I get my statement
8. Get Jacqstar Creations to 200 likers - If you haven't stopped over and had a look at my Facebook page yet please do and help me achieve this goal :)
Here's the link: Jacqstar Creations - I've gone from about 90 in January to 142, so I'm well on my way :)
9. Sing jazz in a jazz club WOOT this is going to happen on Sunday night. OK, it's not in a smoky basement jazz club, but I'm singing Etta James' 'At Last' in my choir concert and it's a jazz concert and I'll be wearing black, and long gloves and it'll be all cool and atmospheric!
10. Visit all the Australian capitals (so far I've only been to Brisbane Sydney
and Melbourne) - no updates on this one but it's a long term goal so I'm not worried about it
11. Take drawing lessons - not yet - I must look into this
12. Go to a wine tasting tour around the vineyards somewhere - if I can work it into my Melbourne trip I will, if not it's still on my to-do list for later this year or next year
13. Release my inner bohemian - I've noticed that the clothes I choose are brighter in colour than usual, and instead of being dressed almost exclusively by Target and K-Mart, I've bought some skirts at the Southbank markets. My inner butterfly is starting to uncurl her wings.
14. Go to G.O.M.A three times this year and see the latest exhibits - have been once so far, two more to go. (if you've never been, it's amazing)
15. Travel to Egypt - long term goal, will start saving once my car is paid off
16. Learn to speak Fluent French - long term but I'm putting it down for something next year to start a tafe beginner's French course
17. Travel to France and live there for a while and really learn the language
and soak up the culture - long term
18. Paint my nails in bright crazy colours - I'm painting them blue for my choir concert - that counts as done!
19. Go to the Planetarium. - When I added this to my list the Planetarium was closed for upgrading, so now I've got no excuse, I'll organise something soon.
20. Do the Bridge to Brisbane again this year. - it's on the 1st of September and I'm registering this week and have organised the day off work so it's practically done :)

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