29 December, 2013

2013 - my year in review

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you!

I'm sitting cross-legged on my floor in my spare room (also known as the junk room, or as I prefer to know it, the 'craft' room). I'm going through my 2013 Create your incredible year calendar and workbook .

It's time to look back before I can look forward.

I can't know where I'm going if I don't know where I've been and how I've got to where I am today. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, good and bad, and if I don't acknowledge it, I'll never learn from it and move forward.

'Cause that's what life is all about - moving forward.

Getting a bit better every year. (I hope. At least that's the plan.)

I have to say it's been an exciting year. I have an amazingly wonderful boyfriend who supports and encourages me with all my dreams and schemes. My little biz is chugging along, bit by bit, and I've found a group of like minded women in Leonie Dawson's Biz and life academy, who encourage and  run ideas off each other so we can all reach our collective goals.

A few of the goals I have achieved this year (drum roll please...)

* Having Internet free days so I can work on my art and not get bogged
     down by non important things
* 200 likers on  Facebook (at this date I'm actually at 214!)
* Meditation classes - I've been going sporadically this year - must do it
    more regularly next year
* Opening my heart to love (an extremely personal goal) and allowing myself
    to receive the love that was right in front of me. Also being able to
    properly reciprocate that love.

Of course there's plenty I haven't achieved, a few I didn't really start and some things I thought I wanted at the beginning of the year, and now I'm thinking that they don't matter so much any more. That's OK, life is ever changing and your interests and goals should be fluid to reflect this.

So now I move on to setting my goals for next year, and I'm really excited about it. It's wonderful to think about what I will have achieved this time next year when I'm looking back on 2014 in review.

Now it's audience participation time. What are your big (and not so big) plans for 2014 - I'd love to hear about them.

Jacqui xx

27 December, 2013

How to achieve your goals

Hello my Lovelies,
I've always believed that if you truly want to achieve something, you write it down, and share it with the world. Make it public and it will happen.
It's true, try it. Even if it's so big you don't dare to believe it.
Even if it's so tiny you think it's not worth putting down on paper or telling anyone about it.
Even if you're a bit scared to share it in case someone thinks it's silly (if it's your dream it can't be silly now can it?)
Last year I shared my 100 dreams (part 2) (here's part 1 in case you missed it) and number 34 was to learn Burlesque dancing. I had every intention to get around to doing it (one day) but life got in the way and it didn't happen this year.

GUESS WHAT??????????

For Christmas I got this:

A totally unexpected (well, it shouldn't have been unexpected because I wrote it down and made it public and told the Universe that's what I wanted) gift from my boyfriend's Lovely Sister. She did some research and looked at my blog and decided she wanted to give me the Burlesque lessons I wanted.

Thank you
                                Thank you
It goes to show that you need to write your goals down. You don't have to do a blog and tell the world - put a picture of what you want on your fridge (new car/ cruise/ new dress - whatever) and if you (or others) see it every day there's far more chance of it happening.
Don't hide your dreams, put them out on display. It'll happen :)
all my love,
Jacqui xx