Hello fabulous people,
I can't believe it's the end of July already. The nights are long, the days short and the clothing warm and fabulous. I love hats and scarves, and knee length coats. All in an effort to stay warm though, as I HATE being cold. Nothing a nice hot chocolate can't remedy :)
Time for me to share with you my next 20 dreams. I must say it's hard for me to get to 100. I'm ok at big huge wonderous goals, but the little achievable ones are more difficult. That's because it's easy to say 'I want to go to Paris and speak fluent French' and write it down on my list because I know that's something that won't be happening this year - it's a long term goal that I can put off for a little while, but all the little things are far more achievable. I've got no excuse to put them off, and that makes them scary.
If I put the idea to paper (or blog) for the world to see, I'm accountable for achieving as many of these dreams as possible.
HOLD ME TO IT!!!!!!!
21. Dance in the rain
22. Get my face painted
23. Go to the Science Centre
24. Have my Tarot cards read - done already yayyyyyyyyyyy!
25. Go on random drives with no set idea where I'm going - I may or may not have done this under the guise of being totally lost!
26. Learn to make pottery
27. Learn to paint with oil paint
28. Wear more green
29. Publish a book
30. Sell a painting before the end of this year
31. Go to hot yoga
32. Go on a wine tour to a vineyard
33. Do a wine appreciation tour???
34. Learn burlesque dancing
35. Sing in an open mike night
36. Climb a mountain
37. Sing every day - I pretty much do this already, but it's a habit I want to keep through the rest of my life :)
38. Appreciate what I have each and every day - I try to do this but I need to be reminded sometimes
39. Do aqua aerobics
40. Stretch every day
I'm working on these and the rest of my goals, and it's making for an interesting and varied life. Last year I couldn't plan for the week ahead let alone the year. I had no goals, and no real dreams for my life. It's amazing what a difference it can make to you if you think about all the little (and big) things you'd like to do. Places to go, things to see, stuff to learn. There's so much out there in the world, let's get out there and experience some of it :)